import random import math class BST: '''Implements a Binary Search Tree. Each node contains a key value and an info value, and a pair of references to left and right children. For simplifying the insert operation, the tree contains dummy leaves, with None value as key, for each missing child. Deletion is not implemented. ''' def __init__(self): '''creates an empty BST, consisting in a dummy leaf''' self.key = None = None self.left = None self.right = None # self.num_elems = 0 # this can be updated during insertions and deletions # in order to speed-up size() method def insert(self, key, info): '''creates a new node containing key in the BST. If key already exists, the previous info value is replaced by the current info and returns False, otherwise a new node (with two dummy leaves) is added and returns True''' if self.key is None: self.key = key = info self.left = BST() self.right = BST() return True elif key < self.key: if self.left.insert(key, info): return True else: return False elif key > self.key: if self.right.insert(key, info): return True else: return False else: # key == self.key = info return False def pre_order_visit(self): '''returns a list containing items in the BST according to an in-order visit''' if self.key is None: return [] res = [(self.key,] res.extend(self.left.pre_order_visit()) res.extend(self.right.pre_order_visit()) return res def in_order_visit(self): '''returns a list containing items in the BST according to an in-order visit''' if self.key is None: return [] res = self.left.in_order_visit() res.append((self.key, res.extend(self.right.in_order_visit()) return res def post_order_visit(self): '''returns a list containing items in the BST according to an in-order visit''' if self.key is None: return [] res = self.left.post_order_visit() res.extend(self.right.post_order_visit()) res.append((self.key, return res def search(self, key): '''returns the value associated to key, if it exists. Returns None if key does not exist''' if self.key is None: # search terminated in a dummy node return None elif key == self.key: return elif key < self.key: return else: return def minimum(self): '''returns the pair key, info for the minimum key in the BST. Returns None if the tree is empty''' # if the root has non left child, the root is the minimum # otherwise look in the left subtree def maximum(self): '''returns the pair key, info for the maximum key in the BST. Returns None if the tree is empty''' # similar to minimum def height(self): if self.key is None: return 0 else: return 1 + max(self.left.height(), self.right.height()) def size(self): '''returns the number of elements in the tree''' # to be implemented recursively---see height() def print_tree(self): '''prints a parenthesized representation of the tree, similar to an in-order visit''' if self.key is not None: print("(", end="") self.left.print_tree() print(f' {self.key} ', end="") self.right.print_tree() print(")", end="") a = BST() items = [[23, 230], [12, 120], [44, 440], [11, 110], [10, 100], [13, 130], [40, 400], [45, 450], [42, 420]] for x in items: a.insert(*x) a.print_tree() # print(f'size = {a.size()}') print("pre-order:", a.pre_order_visit()) print("in-order:", a.in_order_visit()) print("post-order:", a.post_order_visit()) # l = a.in_order_visit() # for x in l: # print(f'key {x}: rank {a.rank(x[0])}') # print(f'minimum: {a.minimum()}') # print(f'maximum: {a.maximum()}') # # print("height:", a.height()) # delete(22) # delete(30) # delete(45) # delete(44) # delete(23) # delete(12) # for x in items: # print(f'key {x[0]}: rank {a.rank(x[0])}') # # for i in range(a.size()): # print(a.get_kth_item(i)) # # delete(10) # delete(11) # delete(40) # delete(13) # delete(42) # # num_keys = 10000000 # max_val = 10 * num_keys # b = BST() # print(f'{"size":11s} {"h":4s} {"log":4s}') # for i in range(num_keys): # x = random.randint(1, max_val) # b.insert(x, 111) # inserts (random_key, 111) # size = b.size() # if size in [2**k-1 for k in range(1,math.ceil(math.log2(num_keys)))]: # print(f'{size:9d} {b.height():4d} {int(math.log2(size+1)):4d}') # print(f"built BST with {b.size()} keys. Height = {b.height()}")