import random import math class BST: def __init__(self): '''creates an empty BST, consisting in a dummy leaf''' self.key = None = None self.left = None self.right = None # self.num_elems = 0 # this can be updated during insertions and deletions # in order to speed-up size() method def insert(self, key, info): '''creates a new node containing key in the BST. If key already exists, the previous info value is replaced by the current info and returns False, otherwise a new node (with two dummy leaves) is added and returns True''' if self.key is None: self.key = key = info self.left = BST() self.right = BST() return True elif key < self.key: if self.left.insert(key, info): return True else: return False elif key > self.key: if self.right.insert(key, info): return True else: return False else: # key == self.key = info return False def pre_order_visit(self): '''returns a list containing items in the BST according to an in-order visit''' if self.key is None: return [] res = [(self.key,] res.extend(self.left.pre_order_visit()) res.extend(self.right.pre_order_visit()) return res def in_order_visit(self): '''returns a list containing items in the BST according to an in-order visit''' if self.key is None: return [] res = self.left.in_order_visit() res.append((self.key, res.extend(self.right.in_order_visit()) return res def post_order_visit(self): '''returns a list containing items in the BST according to an in-order visit''' if self.key is None: return [] res = self.left.post_order_visit() res.extend(self.right.post_order_visit()) res.append((self.key, return res def search(self, key): '''returns the value associated to key, if it exists. Returns None if key does not exist''' if self.key is None: # search terminated in a dummy node return None elif key == self.key: return elif key < self.key: return else: return def minimum(self): '''returns the pair key, info for the minimum key in the BST. Returns None if the tree is empty''' # if the root has non left child, the root is the minimum # otherwise look in the left subtree def maximum(self): '''returns the pair key, info for the maximum key in the BST. Returns None if the tree is empty''' # similar to minimum def height(self): if self.key is None: return 0 else: return 1 + max(self.left.height(), self.right.height()) def size(self): '''returns the number of elements in the tree''' # to be implemented recursively---see height() def print_tree(self): '''prints a parenthesized representation of the tree, similar to an in-order visit''' if self.key is not None: print("(", end="") self.left.print_tree() print(f' {self.key} ', end="") self.right.print_tree() print(")", end="") a = BST() items = [[23, 230], [12, 120], [44, 440], [11, 110], [10, 100], [13, 130], [40, 400], [45, 450], [42, 420]] for x in items: a.insert(*x) a.print_tree() # print(f'size = {a.size()}') print("pre-order:", a.pre_order_visit()) print("in-order:", a.in_order_visit()) print("post-order:", a.post_order_visit()) # l = a.in_order_visit() # for x in l: # print(f'key {x}: rank {a.rank(x[0])}') # print(f'minimum: {a.minimum()}') # print(f'maximum: {a.maximum()}') # # print("height:", a.height()) # delete(22) # delete(30) # delete(45) # delete(44) # delete(23) # delete(12) # for x in items: # print(f'key {x[0]}: rank {a.rank(x[0])}') # # for i in range(a.size()): # print(a.get_kth_item(i)) # # delete(10) # delete(11) # delete(40) # delete(13) # delete(42) # # num_keys = 10000000 # max_val = 10 * num_keys # b = BST() # print(f'{"size":11s} {"h":4s} {"log":4s}') # for i in range(num_keys): # x = random.randint(1, max_val) # b.insert(x, 111) # inserts (random_key, 111) # size = b.size() # if size in [2**k-1 for k in range(1,math.ceil(math.log2(num_keys)))]: # print(f'{size:9d} {b.height():4d} {int(math.log2(size+1)):4d}') # print(f"built BST with {b.size()} keys. Height = {b.height()}")